Sin-Yeon Kim

Profesora Titular

Since 2022 Profesora Titular, Universidade de Vigo 2017-2022   

Ramón y Cajal Research fellow, Universidade de Vigo 2015-2018   

PI of a JIN project, Universidade de Vigo. 2010-2014   

Parga Pondal research fellow, Universidade de Vigo. 2008-2009   

Postdoctoral researcher, Universidade de Vigo. 2006-2008   

Postdoctoral researcher, Universidad Autónoma de México. 2001-2005   

Ph.D., University of Glasgow (supervisor: Prof. Pat Monaghan). 1997-2001   

B.Sc. Biology, Kyung-hee University, Seoul.



My current research interests include:

Maternal effects and developmental plasticty

Ageing and life-history evolution

Life-history adaptation to climate change

Oxidative stress and telomere dynamics

Behavioural plasticity and social environment

Evolution of complex phenotype and quantitative genetics

Interplay between genes and environment



2023-2027. "DEVELIFE: Life-history development: the maternal and offspring perspectives".  I+D project, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. (see more)

2019-2022 “Life-history consequences of the social environment during early life”. I+D project, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

2017-2021   “Resolver los problemas evolutivos de envejecimiento: estudios experimentales en el pez espinoso”. Project of Excellency, Xunta de Galicia. 

2017-2021   “The evolution of phenotypic integration and plasticity”. Ramón y Cajal, Spanish Ministry.

2015-2018  “Phenotypic changes in response to climate change: experimental studies of rear edge populations”. I+D+I project for young scientists, Spanish Ministry.


  • Post-doctoral researcher
    • Dr. Violette Chiara (2020-2021),
    granted by the Fyssen Foundation
  • PhD students
    • Wendy Fernández Pujó (2024-), FPI studentship
    • Susana Cortés Manzaneque (2021-2025), FPI studentship
    • Nayade Álvarez Quintero (2017-2021), FPI studentship
    • Javier Díaz Real (2014-2018), FPI studentship
  • Master students
    • Belén Otero Rodríguez (2018-2019)
    • Cristina Perry Nava (2011-2012)




Álvarez-Quintero, Kim S-Y. 2024. Effects of maternal age and environmental enrichment on learning ability and brain size. Behavioral Ecology 35: arae049

Kim, S-Y, Chiara, V., Álvarez-Quintero, N., da Silva, A., & Velando, A. 2023. Maternal effect senescence via reduced DNA repair ability in the three-spined stickleback. Molecular Ecology, 32, 4648–4659

Chiara V, Kim S-Y 2023.AnimalTA: A highly flexible and easy-to-use program for tracking and analysing animal movement in different environments. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 1699-1707

Kim S-Y, Chiara V, Álvarez-Quintero N, Velando A. 2022. Mitochondrial DNA content in eggs as a maternal effect. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20212100

Kim SY, Álvarez-Quintero N , Metcalfe NB. 2022. Does the match between individual and group behavior matter in shoaling sticklebacks? Ecology and Evolution 12: e8581

Chiara V, Velando A, Kim S-Y. 2022. Relationships between male secondary sexual traits, physiological state and offspring viability in the three-spined stickleback. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22:4

Álvarez-Quintero N, Velando A and Kim S-Y. 2021. Smart mating: the cognitive ability of females influences their preference for male cognitive ability. Behavioral Ecology 10.1093/beheco/arab052

Álvarez-Quintero N, Chiara V, Kim S-Y. 2021. Trap versus net: behavioural sampling bias caused by capture method in three-spined sticklebacks. Behavioural Processes,104504.

Álvarez-Quintero N, Velando A, Noguera JC, Kim S-Y. 2021. Environment‐induced changes in reproductive strategies and their transgenerational effects in the three‐spined stickleback. Ecology and Evolution, 11(2), 771-783.

Álvarez-Quintero N,  Velando A,  Kim S-Y. 2020. Long-lasting negative effects of learning tasks during early life in the three-spined stickleback. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 313

Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2020 Attractive male sticklebacks carry more oxidative DNA damage in the soma and germline. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33,121-126

Velando, A., Noguera, J.C., da Silva, A., Kim, S-Y. 2019. Redox-regulation and life-history trade-offs: scavenging mitochondrial ROS improves growth in a wild bird. Scientific Reports 9,  2203

Kim S-Y, Noguera JC & Velando A. 2019. Carry-over effects of early thermal conditions on somatic and germline oxidative damages are mediated by compensatory growth in sticklebacks. Journal Animal Ecology 88, 473-483

Kim S-Y, Metcalfe NB, da Silva A & Velando A. 2017. Thermal conditions during early life influence seasonal maternal strategies in the three-spined stickleback. BMC Ecology 17: 34.

Velando A, Costa MM & Kim S-Y. 2017. Sex-specific phenotypes and metabolism-related gene expression in juvenile sticklebacks. Behavioral Ecology 28: 1553-1563.

Diaz-Real J, Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2017. Plumage colour and the expression of stress‐related genes in gull chicks. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 1216-1225.

Noguera JC, Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2017. Family-transmitted stress in a wild bird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114: 6794-6799.

Kim S-Y, Costa MM, Esteve-Codina A & Velando A. 2017. Transcriptional mechanisms underlying life-history responses to climate change in the three‐spined stickleback. Evolutionary Applications 10: 718-730.

Diaz-Real J, Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2016. Hatching hierarchy but not egg-related effects governs behavioral phenotypes in gull chicks. Behavioral Ecology 27: 1782-1789.

Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2016. Unsociable juvenile male three-spined sticklebacks grow more attractive. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 975-980.  

Kim S-Y, Metcalfe NB & Velando A. 2016. A benign juvenile environment reduces the strength of antagonistic pleiotropy and genetic variation in the rate of senescence. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 705–714.

Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2016. Genetic conflict between sexual signalling and juvenile survival in the three-spined stickleback. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 52.    

Kim S-Y. 2016. Fixed behavioural plasticity in response to predation risk in the three-spined stickleback. Animal Behaviour 112: 147-152.        

Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2015. Antioxidants safeguard telomeres in bold chicks. Biology Letters 11: 20150211.           

Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2015. Phenotypic integration between anti-predator behaviour and camouflage pattern in juvenile sticklebacks. Evolution 69: 830-838. 

Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2014. Stickleback males increase red coloration and courtship behaviours in the presence of a competitive rival. Ethology 120: 502-510.     

Nava CP, Kim S-Y, Magalhães MC & Neves V. 2014. Do Cory’s Shearwaters Calonectris borealis choose mates based on size? Journal of Ornithology 155: 869-875.   

Noguera JC, Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2013. Maternal testosterone influences a begging component that makes fathers work harder in chick provisioning. Hormones and Behavior 64: 19-25. 

Velando A, Kim S-Y & Noguera JC. 2013. Begging response of gull chicks to the red-spot of parental bill. Animal Behaviour 85: 1359-1366. 

Kim S-Y, Fargallo JA, Vergara P & Martínez-Padilla J. 2013. Multivariate heredity of melanin-based coloration, body mass and immunity. Heredity 111: 139-146.

Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Tato A & Velando A. 2013. Vitamins, stress and growth: the availability of antioxidants in early life influences the expression of cryptic genetic variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1341-1352.

Kim S-Y, Sanz-Aguilar A, Mínguez E & Oro D. 2012. Small-scale spatial variation in evolvability for life-history traits in the storm petrel. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 106: 439-446.

Noguera JC, Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2012. Pre-fledgling oxidative damage predicts recruitment in a long-lived bird. Biology Letters 8: 61-63.

Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Morales J & Velando A. 2011. The evolution of multi-component begging display in gull chicks: sibling competition and genetic variability. Animal Behaviour 82: 113-118.

Kim S-Y, Velando A, Torres R & Drummond H. 2011. Effects of recruiting age on senescence, lifespan and lifetime reproductive success in a long-lived seabird. Oecologia 166: 615-626.

Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Morales J & Velando A. 2011. Quantitative genetic evidence for trade-off between growth and resistance to oxidative stress in a wild bird. Evolutionary Ecology 25: 461- 472.

Kim S-Y, Drummond H, Torres R & Velando A. 2011. Evolvability of an avian life-history trait declines with father's age. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 295-302.

Noguera JC, Alonso-Alvarez C, Kim S-Y, Morales J & Velando A. 2011. Yolk testosterone reduces oxidative damages during postnatal development. Biology Letters 7: 93-95.

Morales J, Kim S-Y, Lobato E, Merino S, Tomás G, Martínez-de la Puente J & Moreno J. 2010. On the heritability of blue-green eggshell coloration. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 1783-1791.

Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Morales J & Velando A. 2010. Heritability of resistance to oxidative stress in early life. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 769-775.

Kim S-Y, Velando A, Sorci G & Alonso-Alvarez C. 2010. Genetic correlation between resistance to oxidative stress and reprodutive life span in a bird species. Evolution 64: 852-857.

Drummond H, Torres R, Rodriguez C & Kim S-Y. 2010. Is kin cooperation going on undetected in marine bird colonies? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 647-655.

Montes-Medina AC, Drummond H & Kim S-Y. 2009. Distance from the forest edge matters in habitat selection of the Blue-footed Booby Sula nebouxii. Journal of Ornithology 150: 845-852.

Kim S-Y, Torres R & Drummond H. 2009. Simultaneous positive and negative density-dependent dispersal in a colonial bird species. Ecology 90: 230-239.

Kim S-Y, Torres R, Domínguez C & Drummond H. 2007. Lifetime philopatry in the blue-footed booby: a longitudinal study. Behavioral Ecology 18: 1132-1138.

Kim S-Y, Torres R, Rodriguez C & Drummond H. 2007. Effects of breeding success, mate fidelity and senescence on breeding dispersal of male and female blue-footed boobies. Journal of Animal Ecology 76: 471-479.

Kim S-Y & Monaghan P. 2006. Interspecific differences in foraging preferences, breeding performance and demography in herring (Larus argentatus) and lesser black-backed gulls (L. fuscus) at a mixed colony. Journal of Zoology 270: 664-671.

Kim S-Y & Monaghan P. 2006. Sex of the first hatched chick influences survival of the brood in the herring gull (Larus argentatus). Journal of Zoology 270: 116-121.

Kim S-Y & Monaghan P. 2006. Effects of early incubation constancy on embryonic development: An experimental study in the herring gull Larus argentatus. Journal of Thermal Biology 31: 416-421.

Kim S-Y & Monaghan P. 2005. Effects of vegetation on nest microclimate and breeding performance of lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus). Journal of Ornithology 146: 176-183.

Kim S-Y & Monaghan P. 2005. Interacting effects of nest shelter and breeder quality on behaviour and breeding performance of herring gulls. Animal Behaviour 69: 301-306.

 Centro de Investigacións Mariñas - Universidade de Vigo